Candy Cane

Candy Cane

Candy Canes

Candy Cane

Candy Cane

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The Legend of the Candy Cane

When the candy maker turned on his oven that day
He had an important message he needed to say.
He pondered the story he so longed to tell
Of Jesus birth, and His death,
Of how He had conquered hell.

He thought and he thought again of what words he could use,
When at last an idea came he knew would amuse.
He would not use the carnal words of a man,
But this holiday season,
Would show how it all began.

His candy cane would tell how old prophecies unfurled
As the Christ, Emmanuel, the Savior of the world,
Was born in a stable that cold wintry night,
God’s only begotten Son,
Came in darkness to bring Light.

Yes, the candy cane does proclaim His Story of Love.
How God in His Glory came down to earth from above.
The J shape of the staff like a shepherd’s cane,
Tells how Jesus the Great Shepherd
Guides and protects us from pain.

The colors of the candy cane are made red and white,
A hard candy like a rock boasting colors so bright.
Strong red for His Blood that He did shed for me.
A red stripe along the staff
Of white, for His purity.

Listen now to the story this candy cane does teach.
For the Gospel its colors and shape quietly preach.
Please come unto Him and accept His free gift.
Find in Him joy, peace and love
As our sin burdens He lifts.

The candy maker knelt beside his new creation,
And smiled as he imagined the joy and elation
Finding this Truth could bring to all of his friends.
For Emmanuel, God with us,
Offers Love that knows no end.

Authored by Donna Nickerson
© 2011 Mount N. All rights reserved.